Sweet. Two weeks in a row!
So far, so good. It’s Friday, I’m adding a DevLog to the blog…that’s how good habits start, right? I spent most of my week working with animation. Wonder how long I can keep this up?
Animation means: time to get moving!
I finished up a reorganization and rewrite of the code that determines how the “Action” Button operates in the game. The thing about “actions” is that they have to have…well, action. No matter how well programmed your character controller scripts are, they’re WORTHLESS without a well animated character reacting to input.
So far, Jenny has been a prototype character in almost every sense of the word:
- Animation from Kenney’s character prototypes asset pack. (If you don’t know who Kenney is – you should. Visit his site!)
- Tools and props don’t line up with motions.
- LOTS of animation clipping with props (feet in ground, axes that pass through Jenny’s head…)
- Rough transitions / no transitions at all.
I thought you used an animation set?
Kenney’s resources are incredible. I start every project with at least 3-4 of his asset packs. All of his assets are free (though if you’re able, support Kenney’s mission and donate!) – this means they’re EVERYWHERE. For my game to accurately reflect my vision, I prototype and test using asset packs, then customize and refine as I go. The moment you customize ONE thing, you break the harmony / simplicity of premade asset sets.
In terms of animation, Jenny needed to stand, walk, run, kick, pick up / thrown objects, talk, use tools…you get the picture. Each action requires a custom animation.
I had some choices to make:
When you’re a hobbyist Indie GameDev, you have to make tough choices concerning the quality of your game. Most of us can’t afford to hire a 3D modeler and an animator to create our content, much less afford the software typically used to create and edit the stuff! Fortunately, the open source movement and the proliferation of Indie Games as an artform has created A TON of helpful (and often free) options. Seriously good stuff!
Here are a few of my favorite Animation resources (I’ve used each of these multiple times this week!)